Depleted Energy

Last week I had a bad bout of depression that put me in bed for 2 days because I was unable to cope with the outside world. I spent most of my time listening to classical music and poetry by Charles Bukowski. In the end, the outside world encroached its way into my inner sanctum (my bedroom) and I had to run away, unable to cope, I immersed myself in nature for a couple of hours,

This is the poem I wrote about how I felt when I got back:

Depleted Energy

I am exhausted,

So very exhausted from the dirt under my fingernails,

To the grey in my hair and beard,

I wake each day one more thing after another fighting for my attention,

Taking up my time,

Time, I want to write,

To walk among nature,

Soaking it up to charge my energy,

I need that energy to keep my walls up,

To keep all of life's toxicity

from drowning me in its waters,

I have fought for too much

for too long

To let it all be taken away from me,

But my exhaustion is slowly depleting

my energy along with my will

to fight the toxic waters from washing over me, I hope I am left alone today to rest and recharge.

I hope reading this helps fight your demons.

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